Walking is Best | 6-13 years old | 120′
Creation of a film based on the poem “The Last Floor” by Cecília Meireles
Conception and direction: Nuno Bernardo
Poetry summons landscapes and in this workshop we will be able to create, through animation cinema, all the landscapes that we can imagine seen from the top floor. Some say he’s the prettiest- Let’s find out who?
Visual Poem 4-6 years old | 90′
Creation of a film based on the poetry of Cecília Meireles
Conception and direction: Nuno Bernardo
If we draw letters and words from a poem, we know that there can be enough poetry in the colors and movement of our drawings. If we add more characters to this film, we can animate, see and feel our first visual poem.
Making Films Talk 4-6 years old | 6>13 years old | 120′
Conception and direction: Leonor Cabral
Let’s take your voice and transport it into a movie. A microphone, your voice and …action! Meow…no no… good morning!… atchimmm… Sounds, phrases, exclamations, screams, yawns, sighs. Everything you need to get the characters talking. You’ll see movies like you’ve never heard before!