Workshops PLAY 2025



Animation film workshop

Based on poems, proposals are built to approach animation cinema through the stop-motion technique. All participants are invited to try out this technique and encouraged to create perspectives on the poems and proposed materials.

15 Feb | 11h00 | venue 2 | 120’| +4 years | 7,50€ SOLD OUT

Design and orientation: Nuno Bernardo


Poetry raises ideas! Each verse can have several images and each word is an idea/image. The letters as figures are also images – when animated, they form the words chosen for these verses and, inspired from there, we create the film about the chosen poem. Combining our experience with that of the other workshops, we conceived the film PI-RA-TA. Each group contributed its part to the construction of this visual poem, based on the poem of the same name by the poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

15 Feb | 14h30 |  venue 2 | 120’ | + 8 years old  |  7,50€  Register

Design and orientation: Nuno Bernardo


A spoken poem is a set of sounds from a different reality to ours. In this workshop, we’ll experiment saying words and the whole poem in different ways. We’ll invent sound environments for ‘Pirata’ by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. At the end we’ll combine our exercise with those from other workshops and watch the film/experience – PI-RA-TA.


22 February | 14h30 |  venue rank | 120’ | + 10 years  |  7,50€ Register

Design and orientation: Nuno Bernardo


What images do words like ‘boat’, ‘monster’, ‘tiger’, ‘bear’ or ‘pirate’, among others, inspire in us? How do we draw these and other images that the verses of the poem dictate to us? The visual sense of poetic composition is the challenge for this workshop. How do we create a poem in animated cinema?

This will be our contribution to the film – PI-RA-TA, together with the other workshops in this edition of Festival Play!

Wooden construction workshop

Design and orientation: Maria

22 February | 11h00| venue 2 | 120’ | + 4 years| 7,50€  SOLD OUT

“Mar sonoro, mar sem fundo sem fim” de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

Inspired by the poem Mar Sonoro and based on sound, we will experiment, gather, listen, build and create our new instruments. Using different woods, natural materials such as cane, ropes, threads, sticks, screws, washers, and others… And between construction techniques and balance games, these sculptures will be transformed into musical instruments.


23 February | 14h30| venue 2 | 120’ | + 8 years old | 7,50€ Register

No Alto Mar “Onde baloiça o vento” de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

We will play with different weights, swing and balance, we will blow like a gentle breeze or a strong wind, we will have fun with movement games, we will create Dancing Sculptures, based on the poem.

Movement Laboratory


16 de Fevereiro |  Sala venue 2  

11h00| 120’| +4 anos

14h30| 120’| +10 anos 

Design and orientation:  Yola Pinto

From films to the many body collections we also own in real life.

Film Workshop


23 Feb |  venue 2 | 11h00| 120’| +8 years  

Design and orientation:  Klemen Dvornik

With the help of director Klemen Dvornik, we’ll step into the shoes of a film director for a few moments. Are you ready? Camera! Sound! Action.

Dubbing Workshop


23 de Fevereiro |  Sala venue rank 

11h00| 120’|  +4 anos |

15h00| 120’ | +8 anos

Making Films Talk

Design and orientation:  Leonor Cabral

We will take your voice and carry it inside a film. A microphone, your voice and … action! Meow… … good morning! … atchimmm… Sounds, phrases, exclamations, screams, yawns, sighs. Whatever it takes to get the characters talking. You’ll start watching films like you’ve never heard them before!