Sessões 6-9 anos

Short Films


“Através do teu coração passou um barco
Que não para de seguir sem ti o seu caminho.”

In Navegações


15 Feb. | Venue 3 | 11h45 | 48’ 

16 Feb. | Venue 3 | 15h | 48’

23 Feb. | Venue 3 | 11h45 | 48’

Radio Interference

Aleksey Pochivalov, 2023, Russian Federation, 5’
(Animation, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

O robot Radion, que trabalha como locutor de rádio, tira um dia de folga.
The robot Radion, who works as a radio announcer, is taking a day off.

Leap of Faith  

Anaïs Dos, Coline Reverbel, Edgar Vernier, Kenzo Talma, Lisa Vlaine, Martina Doll, 2023, France, 7’45’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

When at the beach, a girl desperately tries to impress a boy, but her younger brother won’t stop interfering!


Oana Lacroix, 2024, Switzerland, 8’12’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

Baon, a little crocodile, is unfortunate enough to face the hardest test of all: grief.

Go My Way

Chelo Loureiro, 2024, Spain, 7’06’’
(Animation, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

All the advice Elisa receives to make Martin fall in love with her is to change not only her appearance, but also who she really is. Will she give up being herself to get it?

The Aerialist

Anna Kuzina, 2024, Russian Federation, 7’14’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

A woman works as a saleswoman in a textile store, her life is quite monotonous. However, when she comes across a group of gymnasts, her life gets illuminated by a dream.

Noodles au Naturel

Salanave Matteo, 2023, France, 4’12’’
(Animation, V.O. French, dubbed in PT)

In the pool changing room, Anthony realizes he has forgotten to bring his swim trunks. Swimming class is about to begin and he needs to find a solution.


The Girl with the Occupied Eyes

André Carrilho, 2024, Portugal, 7’55’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who, even when out and about, was always distracted. Eyes fixed on her phone. What could be done to “disoccupy” her eyes?

Short Films


“Onde está ele o super-homem? Onde?
— Encontrei-o na rua ia sozinho
Não via a dor nem a pedra nem o vento
Sua loucura e sua irrealidade

Lhe serviam de espelho e de alimento”

In Livro Sexto


15 Feb. | Venue 3 | 14h30 | 56’

22 Feb. | Venue 3 | 11h45 | 56’


Stiv Spasojevic, 2023, France, 6’40’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

This is the story of a meeting between an astonishing robot from outer space and an adorable little bird just hatched from its egg…

Malin Neumann, 2023, Germany, 6’25’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

Quando uma nascente seca, uma criança e o seu amigo animal partem numa viagem para encontrar uma solução para a falta de água que tanto lhes é prejudicial.

Good Memories

Stanislav Dobrovskiy, 2024, Portugal, 1’
(Animation, no dialogue)

The father is trying to take the perfect photo of his children for good memories, but his daughter just wants to play with her brother in an imaginary world. Based on true events.

The Sea Monster

Frits Standaert, 2024, Belgium / France, 9’07’’
(Animation, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

On the beach, Charlotte wants to play pirates with her two brothers. But a girl is not allowed to fight Maybe with the help of a sea monster her brothers will learn a  lesson…

Head Mister

Alina Trubacheva, 2023, Russian Federation, 4’05’’
(Animation, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

The legend of the Head Mister, an old headmaster who haunts the halls of the school, and returns lost items to students.

Somewhere, To a Better Place

Ksenia Pchelintseva, 2024, Armenia, 19’06’’
(Live Action, dubbed in PT, Sub ENG)

Two kids Veronica (8 y.o) and Anya (6 y.o.) met not long ago, but have already become soul mates. Veronica lives in a luxurious mansion, while Anya lives in an old, poor one. Veronica invites Anya to her birthday party, but betrays her there…

The Strange Case of the Human Cannonball

Roberto Valencia “BetoVal”, 2024, Ecuador, 9’52’’
(Animation, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

One morning, a mysterious man appears lying in the square of a town inhabited by only five neighbors. 

Short Films

Caminhei na Praia

“E eu caminhei nas praias e nos campos
O azul do mar e o roxo da distância
Enrolei-os em redor do meu pescoço
Caminhei na praia quase livre como um deus”

In Cadernos de Poesia


16 Feb | Venue 3 | 11h45 | 54’

22 Feb | Venue 3 | 14h45 | 54’


Remi Durin, 2024, France, Belgium, 11’37’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

In a Buddhist temple, one of the monks is distracted by a sparrow. Following the bird, he begins a long walk ….

Come Back to my Shelf

Marina Zinkevich, 2023, Russia, 8’09’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

In a world where everyone has a locker for storing good memories, one girl stops replenishing her shelves with new impressions after her father’s disappearance.

Monster Sister

Choi Eunji, 2023, Coreia do Sul, South Korea, 6’54’’
 (Animation, no dialogue)

Monster lives isolated and a group of bad guys torment her at school. Will she be able to find someone capable of taking her side and making her life happy?


Pavlos Sifakis, 2022, Greece, 14’22’’
(Animation, Sub PT, ENG)

On his last day of vacation, a young dad working abroad embarks on a quest to find a precious ice-cream hoping to please his grumpy son.


Galvão Bertazzi, Luís Canau, 2022, Portugal, 11’18’’
 (Animation, no dialogue)

A young boy longs for quiet amongst the dysfunctional cacophony of life with his family in the city. Will the boy finally be able to enjoy his peace by the sea?

Short Films

Sente o Vento

“Não te chamo para te conhecer
Eu quero abrir os braços e sentir-te
Como a vela de um barco sente o vento”


16 Feb | Venue 1 | 16h00 | 56’


23 Feb | Venue 3 | 15h | 56’



Maarten Sleegers, Anna Sherstiuk, 2022, Netherlands, 15’11’’
(Live Image, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

Nikita, a 10-year-old boy from Ukraine, recently moved to the Netherlands with his mother. Unlike her, Nikita doesn’t like it. The people speak a foreign language and he is unable to make new friends.He secretly devises a plan to cycle back to Kiev. The only problem is that he doesn’t know how to cycle. In order to learn he’ll need the help of one of his Dutch classmates.

Los Caprinchos

Alfredo Soderguit, 2024, France, Uruguay, Chile, 10’30’’
(Animation, no dialogue)

The hunting season has started. A family of carpinchos (a type of beaver to South America) flees the hunters and tries to take refuge in a henhouse. The chickens chase away these new arrivals because they find them strange. But the curiosity and insistence of the youngest will create a union which will have unexpected results…

Drifting Guitar

Sophie Roze, 2024, France, Switzerland, 31’
(Animation, Dubbed to PT, Sub ING)

A weasel, whose absurd job consists in selling ties door to door across the countryside, decides to try her luck in the forest, where her fate takes a new turn thanks to the unconditional help of a hedgehog.The arrival of a capybara who has lost his home and his roots for climatic reasons, will lead the weasel in turn towards the process of helping others, and finally allow her to discover her true place.